Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12th

After a long day of driving and visiting several places I am quite tired. We visited Antioch of Pasidia today, and stopping point in several of Paul’s missionary journeys. It was here Paul preached and they asked him to come back and he preached again only to face persecution. This city would later become a christian city and dedicated a synogogue to Paul. Visiting here was amazing! To walk down the very streets Paul walked down with Barnabas and many other fellow christians was quite inspiring.

Colossae although not excavated left an impression on me I will never forget. As I stood at the top of the un-excavated mound that was several hundred feet high I looked to the south and there were huge mountains, then I looked to the north and there were massive mountains, and it dawned on me, “This is exactly what the apostle Paul must have seen as he was traveling through Colossae on the way to Heiropolis and Ephesus. It made since to me why Colossae was in the location that it was and why Paul would have traveled through there. I will never forget that image that no camera can capture. Scripture will never be the same for me!

Tomorrow we continue our journey to Heiropolis and Ladiocia!

In Him,


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