Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8th, 9:00pm here in Istanbul. After taking off in DFW at 4:30pm during the day light we arrive in London, England around 7:45am GMT. The flight went well, I was able to watch the movie "Ender's Game" which was actually very entertaining. Unfortunately I was stuck in the middle seat of five and couldn't get much sleep. With that being said the jet lag had already begun to whip me. After an hour layover in London we boarded British Airways Boeing 767-200 to Istanbul, Turkey. This flight I had a whole row to my self and slept amazing! We arrived in Istanbul at 4:30 local time. A total of about 14 hrs travel sent me and my group to three different continents, how amazing!

Once we arrived in Istanbul we boarded the tour bus and headed straight for the hotel where we are staying just tonight, and I am very pleasantly surprised at how nice it is. We all shared an interesting dinner which was like beef stroganoff and fried onions, it was actually quite tasty.

Tomorrow we have a busy day planned! We are touring Istanbul and visiting the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque. We are also visiting several other museums and a cool market place. Then in the afternoon we will fly to Kayseri, also known as Cappadocia. Our adventures of biblical historical sites will begin there! Pictures to comes soon! Hope to see you all soon! 

P.S.- Feel free to ask me any questions about the trip or the upcoming location and I'll do my best to get you an answer! 
  • 1 comment:

    1. Glad God gave you a safe trip. What a awesome opportunity to get to see and experience everything you will. I can't wait to hear all about it. (Dad)
